Vicki's Profile


Chinese name: Zhao Wei

English name: Vicki Zhao

Nickname: Wei Wei

Birthday: March 12, 1976

Chinese Zodiac: Dragon

Horoscope: Pisces

Blood Type: O

Height: 166 cm

Weight: 48 kg

Primary Education: Shi Fan Fu Xiao

Secondary High: No. 17 High

Senior High: Shi Fan

University: Beijing's University of Films

Place of birth: Wu Hu, An Hui

Residency: Beijing, China

Languages speak: Mandarin, English, Anhuinese, and Shanghainese

Talents: Singing, acting, piano, and swimming

Hobbies: Swimming, singing, and movies

Lucky number: 7

Pets: Dog, cat, fish, and bird

Personality: Optimistic, carefree

When she is unhappy: She goes someplace quiet to think

Family, friends, lover (from most important to least): Lover, family, friends

Motto in life: Chances are for those who are alway ready

Occupation: Actress, singer

Parents' dream: To become a great achiever

Her dream: To travel and study the world

About Love

Her rule for love: Loyalty

Her first love: 18 years old

She fell in love: 2

When she likes to get marry: After 25 years old

She's attracted to: Responsible people, and young in heart

About Acting

Influenced by: Xie Jin

Like to act as: Different characters

Like to act with: Good actors

Star Friends: Alec Su, Ruby Lin

About Music

Favorite type of music: Jazz

Favorite artist: Mozart

Favorit love song: Shen cho de lee min

About Food

Favorite snack: Chocolate

Favorite food: Glutinous rice-ball

Hate food: Almost nothing

Favorite drink: Tea

Hate drink: Anything with alcohol in it

Favorite breakfast: Western

Favorite food (country wise): Chinese

About Literature

Favorite Chinese book: Wei Chen

Favorite Foreign book: Red & Black

Favorite Chinese author: Zhang Ai Ja

Favorite comical character: Snoopy

Favorite Chyong Yau books: Chuong Wai

About Favorites

Achievement: Becoming a successful actress

She's happy: When she's with her family

Favorite people: Her family

She shares her secrets: with her parents

Hate people: who are selfish

Favorite type of day: her Birthday

Favorite part of her body: Mouth

Hate about her body: She wishes to be skinnier

Favorite color: White

Favorite plant: French Firmiana

Favorite flower: Jasmine

Favorite clothes: Casual, natural and comfortable

Favorite country: Italy

Favorite city: Paris

Favorite sport: Swimming

Favorite animal: Little bears

Favorite season: Autumn
